Lesson plan
6th form
Topic: «My attitude to household chores»
- to practise vocabulary related to household chores (things to do about the house)
- to develop speaking and reading skills
- to promote family cooperation
- to develop Ss’ attention, memory and logical thinking
- to develop Ss’ cultural and social awareness
- to encourage sharing ideas and attitudes
Suggested results:
At the end of the lesson students will:
- be able to use the active vocabulary of the topic
- be able to share information within the limits of the topic
- have practised telling about their chores
- have learned about chores children from other countries do
Active vocabulary: mopping, doing the washing, doing the cooking, looking after a dog, doing the cooking, doing the washing up, making a bed, taking out the trash, doing the washing, hanging out the washing, doing the ironing, watering the plants, sweeping, feeding the dog, tidying a room, putting away toys, doing the vacuuming, and taking the dog for a walk.
Communicative area: sharing information, giving reasons, telling/writing a story
Activities: brainstorming, spelling, describing the pictures, grouping the words, discussion, reading, moving activity, watching and discussing a film, speaking, self- evaluating pupils’ work
Materials and preparation:
-a short film (
-the notebook lesson instructions (
-the flashcards with the words on the topic
-the text “Chores around the globe” (English textbook, 6 form, Unit 3 “Helping about the house”, Lesson 10 “Culture corner”, exercise 4, page 106)
-printable materials
Step 1 (1 minute)
Write “household chores” on the board. Elicit or explain that they are tasks or duties that have to be done regularly at home such as cleaning and cooking.
Step 2. Brainstorming (1 minute)
Pair your students and ask them to think of as many household chores as they can. Ask them to use the gerund form, for example, washing up.
Step 3. Spelling the vocabulary. (3 minutes)
Let the children write the chores on the board.
Step 4. Grouping the words (3 minutes).
Write the following verbs on the board:
Ask your students to connect as many of the chores they mentioned as they can with one of the verbs.
Go through typical collocation such as:
Do the cooking, the cleaning, the washing, the washing up, the dusting.
Make the bed, breakfast / lunch / dinner, a snack, a cup of tea / coffee.
Take the trash / rubbish out, take the dog for a walk.
Step 5. Group discussion (4 minutes).
Put your students into small groups of three. Ask them to discuss the following questions:
What household chores do you do?
Do you think you should do more?
Get feedback from the whole class on what chores they do.
Step 6. Reading (6 minutes)
Do you think children in different countries do different chores?
In pairs make a list of chores for African, Asian, European, Latin and North American countries.
Read the text “Chores around the globe” (see exercise 4, page 106 in your textbooks) and check your ideas.
Step 7. Moving activity “Hot potato” (4 minutes)
One S throws a ball. Remember a_word or_expressions from lessons 1–9. Say
- The person who catches the ball makes a_sentence about himself/herself with these expressions.
Step 8. Checking homework (A survey report) (4 minutes).
Let’s discuss the results of your survey.
What chores do children have to do in Belarus?
What chores do they like doing?
What chores are not so popular with children?
What household devices can children use?
What chores are too dangerous for kids?
Step 9. Watching and discussing the short film from Dial Direct “The Notebook” directed by Greg Gray (14 minutes)
1.Watch the film and answer the question? (4 minutes)
What chores did the boy do to help his mum?
Get feedback from the students and try to elicit the following chores:
mopping, doing the washing, doing the cooking, looking after a toddler, doing the cooking, doing the washing up, making a bed, taking out the trash, doing the washing, hanging out the washing, doing the ironing, watering the plants, sweeping, feeding the dog, tidying a room, putting away toys, doing the vacuuming, and taking the dog for a walk.
Prepare the cards with the words to give them out to children who will name the chores.
- Watch the film and answer the questions (5 minutes).
Why is the boy doing the household chores?
What is he writing in his notebook?
Pair the students and ask them to discuss the following questions:
After the students have discussed the questions get feedback from the whole class.
Elicit or explain that he has written the chores he has done, the time it has taken and the total time of 120 minutes.
Why do you think he has written this in his notebook?
What does the boy say to his mum?
Elicit or explain that he says “I’ve been saving you time so you can come to my play”, and that he did the tasks so that his busy mother would have time to come to see him act in his school play.
Discussion (5 minutes)
Pair the students and ask them to discuss the following questions:
How does the film make you feel?
How does the mother feel?
How would you describe the boy?
Hold a plenary session based on the three questions.
Tell the students that the film is actual an advert for an insurance company. Ask them if this changes the way they feel about the film.
Step 10. Setting homework (3 minutes)
Imagine that you are the boy from the film. What can you tell your friend about the story we watched today?
Start like this “When I came home one day, my mum was cooking in the kitchen. I wanted to tell her something important but she was busy doing the chores and taking care of my baby sister. So I decided to help her because …”
Ask the students to write a composition from the perspective of (с точки зрения) the mother or the boy on what happened in the story and their emotions.
Step 11. Evaluating pupils’ work (2 minutes).
I hope you will enjoy this ESL lesson.
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