Lesson plan
Hachiko: The Loyal Friend
7th form
-to improve reading, listening and speaking skills on the topic «Friendship»
-to develop writing skills using a story
-to teach pupils to understand literature using context
-to develop pupils’ emotions, logical thinking and memory
-to promote cooperation in class
- Match the halves of the proverbs on the board (3 мин)
They are rich……. who have true friend.
A true friend …….is the best possession.
A friend in need ……..is a friend indeed.
Дружба дороже денег. | They are rich who have true friend. | Богаты те, кто имеют настоящих друзей. |
Дружба дороже денег. | A true friend is the best possession. | Настоящий друг- это лучшее приобретение. |
Друзья познаются в беде. | A friend in need is a friend indeed. | Друг в нужде- истинный друг. |
Have you seen any films about true friends? (Hachiko)
The film has made many people around the world cry a lot.
2.Talk to a group of students about the following questions. then share your opinions with the class
1.Do you have a pet? Are you BFFs?
2. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why? What qualities do they have?
3. Is it important to have pets? Why?
4. When are pets helpful in a person’s life? Explain it.
5. What can you do together with your pet?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having pets?
- a) Look at the picture of a statue in Tokyo (PB). Can you guess why people put up a statue to a dog?
b) Work in pairs. Make a list of questions to ask a city guide about this statue.
- 4. a) Read an excerpt from Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog, written by Pamela S. Turner and find some information about the dog.
Таби ( носок с толстой подошвой и отдельной частью для большого пальца).
- b) Has the story answered any of your questions to the city guide?
- c) The pictures show some of the most popular dog breeds in Japan. Read the description of the dog again. Which breed was Hachiko?
- Answer the questions to the text below.
- Who’s telling the story?
- Is he a brave person? How do you know?
- What elements of Japanese culture are pictured in the text?
- What was the dog doing when the boy first saw it?
- How did it behave when his owner came? Why?
- What do you know about the dog’s owner?
- Why are the bronze feet of the dog bright and shiny?
- Can you guess what happened next in the story? Would you like to read the whole story?
Watching the cartoon Hachiko: The Loyal Friend (7 min)
Quiz 7 min (online)
- Discussion 5 min
Plan (on the board)
- Explain the meaning of the proverb «They are rich who have a true friend».
- Would you like to read a dog’s story or watch a film?
- What is your attitude to Hachiko?
- Was he a real friend? Why?
- Would you like to have such a pet friend?
- Homework
Write the answers to the questions using the plan.