ПО ТЕМЕ «What’s on TV?»
Коммуникативная ситуация «MY FAVOURITE CARTOON CHARACTER»
Цели урока:
Обучающая: создание условий для совершенствования умений говорения по
коммуникативной ситуации «My favourite cartoon character».
Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся будут готовы рассказать о своем любимом герое мультфильма.
Воспитательная: создание атмосферы сотрудничества для развития дружественных отношений между детьми;
формирование потребности принимать участие в общении на английском языке.
Развивающая: развитие памяти, мышления и внимания учащихся;
развитие навыков и умений анализа и синтезирования изученного материала. Сопутствующие задачи: закрепление лексических навыков;
развитие умений в применении ранее изученного лексического и грамматического материала в новых ситуациях общения;
тренировка навыков устной речи. Оборудование:
Английский язык: учеб. пособие для 5 кл./Н.В. Демченко и др. Минск: Адукацыя и выхаванне, 2017
Проектор, мультимедийный экран
Компьютеры, упражнения в LearningApps
Раздаточный материал (карточки для работы с лексикой, построения предложений; вопросы)
Видеозапись мультфильма.
The plan of the lesson
- I. Greeting.(Входит учитель в костюме красной шапочки)
Hello, my dear boys and girls. Do you recognize me? Who am I? Yes! You’re absolutely right. I’m Red Hat. Sit down, please .
I’m from cartoon “Red Hat”. I’m a little girl. I’m very nice. I wear a red hat. I’m very kind and friendly.
Must use words are on the blackboard:
Nosy, brave, strong, polite, hard-working, helpful, cheerful, loyal, cowardly, weak, rude, lazy, silly, mean, clever, naughty, funny, nice, kind, friendly
III. The main part.
1.And now open the book, please. Let’s read the text.Ex.2b,p.86
(Children read the text about Simba)
And answer the questions:
What cartoon is the character from? When was it made?
What is the cartoon like?
What does the character look like?
What is the character like?
Why do you like this character?
- And now look at the screen.(Children watch cartoon Masha and the Bear)
And answer the questions:
What cartoon is the character from? When was it made?
What is the cartoon like?
What does the character look like?
What is the character like?
Why do you like this character?
3.And now let’s do the task about cartoons and cartoons’ characters in LearningApps on the computer.
4.And now let’s read the text on page88 and fill in the necessary articles.
(Children read the text about Alice)
And now answer the questions, please:
What cartoon is the character from?
What is the cartoon like?
What does the character look like?
What is the character like?
Why do you like this character?
- T: And now look At me, please. I’ve got some puzzles for you. You have to find another part of your cartoon character and discuss this cartoon character in pairs.
(Children discuss the cartoons’ characters using active vocabulary).
T: Well done children. I hope you like our lesson and I hope you can easily describe your cartoons character.
Your home task is to speak about your favorite cartoon character. Open your record book and write down your homework.
- The final part.
T: And now children take red leave and put it on the tree if you think you work very well on the lesson, take green leave and put it on the tree if you think you can get 8 on the lesson, take yellow leave and put it on the tree if made a lot of mistakes.
T: Well done. Thank you very much. Good bye.
Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание, учитель называет отметки за урок.
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